We call on Czech politicians to help stop attacks on freedom of speech and LGBT+ people in Hungary
We call on Czech politicians, especially the government of the Czech Republic, to help, within their competencies, stop attacks on freedom of speech and LGBT+ people in Hungary
"We're exhausted, we're really scared and we don't know how much longer we can withstand the pressure." This is the desperate call for help that Budapest Pride has sent out in recent days.
The latest in a series of attacks on LGBT + people in Hungary is a bill tabled by Fidesz, which prohibits "the display and promotion of a gender identity other than gender determined at birth, gender reassignment and homosexuality". This is in schools and in public announcements for people under the age of 18. Fidesz is clearly inspired by similar laws passed in Russia in 2013. What will this proposal cause? First, it restricts freedom of speech for anyone. No one will be allowed to talk about LGBT + people in a given situation. Second, the proposal has devastating effects on young LGBT + people who will not be able to receive the support and information that is vital to their self-acceptance and normal mental development. Third, it will reduce the public's right to information and balanced education, which will generally reduce awareness, reinforce stereotypes and increase aversion to LGBT + people. And that can (and probably will) have fatal consequences.
According to Budapest Pride, 42% of LGBT + people in Hungary considered suicide and 30% attempted it. More than half of Hungarian LGBT + teenagers felt threatened at school because of their sexual orientation and 37% because of their gender identity. This proposal will exacerbate the already alarming situation in Hungary.
The Czech Republic is committed to the protection of democracy and human rights in many countries. Violations of freedom of expression, the right to information in education and the human rights of LGBT + people in Hungary should not be an exception. On the contrary, caution is all the more appropriate, as this is a country with which we share the space of the European Union. We, therefore, call on:
- members of the Government of the Czech Republic, and in particular Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and Minister of Foreign Affairs Jakub Kulhánek, to express their concerns with the representatives of Hungary about the newly submitted bill and the situation of LGBT + people in Hungary in general;
- representatives of the Czech Republic in the EU institutions to support decisions calling for an end to the attacks on LGBT + people in Hungary;
- the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Hungary to provide assistance to Hungarian LGBT + organizations in their activities;
- other politicians to express their support for freedom of expression, free education and respect for the human rights of LGBT + people in Hungary.
Please help keep the EU an area of freedom and democracy for all its citizens without distinction. Do everything in your power so that Russian-inspired laws restricting freedom of speech and creating hatred between people do not take root through Hungary and in the EU.
Amnesty International Czech Republic, z.s.
Logos Czech Republic, z. S.
Mezipatra z.s.
A platform for Equality, Recognition and Diversity z.s.
Prague Pride z.s.
Queer Geography, z.s.
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